So, it is worth pointing out how different things might be if the financial world were female. 所以我们有必要指出,如果金融界由女人来掌管的话,情况应该会有所不同。
Some folks in the financial world have not exactly been model corporate citizens. 金融界的一些人很难被称为模范企业公民。
But in the financial world the Chinese remain a little more hesitant. 但在金融领域,中国人的态度仍然显得比较犹豫。
They are giants in the American financial world. 他们是美国金融界的巨头。
This black box approach to investing has been encouraged by the increasing complexity and opacity of a financial world where many assets have migrated to a shadow banking system that spawned structured products such as collateralised debt obligations, or to less regulated hedge funds. 这种黑匣子投资方法受到了金融界不断增加的复杂性和不透明性的鼓励,大量资产流进了影子银行体系,孵化出诸如担保债务凭证这样的结构化产品,要么就进入了监管较少的对冲基金。
Critically, there was a lack of clear responsibility for preventing systemic risks to the entire financial world. 关键的是,美联储没有明确的职责,防止整个金融领域发生系统性风险。
NOT much is known about how the financial world would cope with an outbreak of avian flu. 金融界会如何应对禽流感暴发,人们并不十分清楚。
But Mr Greenspan has distinguished himself in the financial world by acknowledging errors on his watch. 但由于承认在任内所犯的错误,格林斯潘让自己在金融界出了名。
But in a multi-polar, multi-speed financial world, the less developed financial industries of Asia and the Middle East continue to show strong demand for skilled professionals, and good business growth for many training organisations. 但在一个多极化、多速度的金融世界,亚洲和中东较不发达的金融业继续表现出对高技能专业人士的强劲需求,许多培训机构也继续呈现出良好的业务增长态势。
But even with setbacks ahead, the financial world's centre of gravity is shifting. 但即使这些国家未来会遭受挫折,全球金融界的重心也正在发生转移。
These super-spreaders of the financial world have huge balance sheets and often comprise thousands of distinct legal entities. 这些金融世界中的超级传播者拥有庞大的资产负债表,常常由数以千计的不同法人实体组成。
Concerns about the art market have been driven by both the rapid escalation of contemporary art prices and troubles in the credit markets, which may adversely affect art buyers from the financial world. 当代艺术品价格的迅速飙升和信贷市场的困境,引发了人们对艺术品市场的担忧。这两个因素可能会对金融行业的艺术品买家造成负面影响。
All this will be conducive to a more sane and less destructive financial world. 这一切将有助于构建一个更理性、破坏性更小的金融世界。
Most of all, they are part of a Zeitgeist in which the law is increasingly a global business like any other, rather than a fusty industry remote from the wider financial world. 最重要的是,它们是时代精神的一部分:和其它任何行业一样,法律已经日益成为全球事业,而不是与广阔金融世界脱离的古板行业。
George Soros wants to be the Bono of the financial world. 乔治·索罗斯想成为金融界的博诺(U2乐队主唱)。
Some have also referred to the breathless search for profits, euphoria in a new, risk-free financial world and lack of understanding of the new financial instruments. 有人也提到了其它一些问题:不顾一切地追求利润,醉心于一个零风险的新金融体系,以及对新的金融工具缺乏了解。
It did not take adequate steps to correct this structural transformation of the financial world. 美联储没有采取足够的措施,来纠正金融领域的这种结构性变化。
It also implies that policymakers must first find a way to shrink the financial world without destroying the economy. 它还表明,政策制定者必须首先找到办法,在不破坏经济的情况下收缩金融世界的规模。
Middlemen were regarded as bad in Japan, but they were somehow overlooked in America's financial world. 在日本,中间商被视为罪恶,而在美国的金融界,却不知为何被忽视了。
Some senior figures in the financial world are looking for solutions to this. 一些金融领域中的资深人士正寻求解决之道。
Many art buyers are from the corporate or financial world and have taken to the indices and data services like ducks to water. 许多艺术品买家来自企业界或金融界,他们对指数和数据服务的喜爱犹如鸭子之爱水。
Most people in the financial world enjoy no such freedom. 大部分金融界人士享受不到这样的自由。
One person with knowledge of the deal said: The financial world has changed dramatically since this process started. 交易知情人士表示,出售过程开始以来,金融界发生了巨大的变化。
How did the Citibank get success in the financial world during the17 years? 花旗银行正濒临破产,可是在这短短的17年里花旗是若何获得胜利的?
The past three months have changed the financial world. 过去的3个月改变了金融世界。
Recent gyrations on the stock exchange have caused confusion in the financial world. 近期股票市场上的价格波动引起了金融界的恐慌。
In the financial world, it is called fiduciary duty. 在金融业,这就是所谓受托责任。
School officials say their green MBA brings together the aims of the financial world with those of the social justice and environmental movements. 学校负责人表示他们的绿色工商管理硕士课程将金融世界的目标和维护社会公义、保护环境运动的目标结合在了一起。
The financial world has also become a bigger place. 金融世界也已变成一个更大的地方。
"The evolution of the financial world and financial globalisation implies that what the Fund is doing has also to change," he said, adding that in the new world of global finance," financial instability may come from other sources rather than external imbalances ". 卡恩表示:金融界和金融全球化的演变,意味着IMF的工作内容必须也要改变。他补充称:可能是其他因素导致了金融不稳定,而不是外部失衡。